Mr. Richard Munang
As someone with immense interest in the climate change and development space, I was delighted when PeaceX reached out to me to share on a very critical theme in climate change – that of climate change and peace. There could not be any timely subject to start the conversation with an organization with an agenda as noble as peace. And our conversations converged around two key principles. The first was founded on an insightful African proverb, which says that “brothers like each other when they are equally rich”. In other words, this principle is that there can be no peace without prosperity, and no prosperity without peace. Which then premises inclusive socioeconomic transformation as the fundamental key to peace. The second principle is founded on one of my best African proverbs – which says that “a canoe does not know who the leader is when it turns over, everyone gets wet”. In context, this proverb is a stark reminder that the onus is on climate action as well, to be a source of socioeconomic solutions to drive prosperity and hence guarantee peace. This conversation resonated on all accounts with the wonderful people building and driving the PeaceX brand and I have no doubt that through the selfless genius of the entire PeaceX fraternity, these ideals will be a reality of our times.
Keep up the excellent work and do not relent!